The Process and Side Effects of Rejuran Treatment

By now you might be familiar with the basic knowledge of Rejuran treatment; what it is, what components are used and some of its benefits. The next thing to look at, in the context of Rejuran is how the process is done and some of the side effects associated with it. It’s highly unprofessional not to mention illegal to fail to disclose the side effects of a treatment, whether positive or negative. Before going to that, however, we will look at the people who make great candidates for Singapore’s Rejuran treatments.


Who is Rejuran Treatment For?

If you’re a Singaporean wondering whether you are a good fit for the Rejuran treatment, here’s the answer: Rejuran best suits people with lines and patchy skin. People with scars are also good candidates. If you’re skin is dull, this treatment is also for you. In general, any person looking forth to repairing their skin without undergoing any surgical procedures are fit for this kind of treatment.

The benefits of Rejuran treatment include boosting the skin elasticity, improving hydration, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and also improving the skin tone and texture. For these reasons, the procedure is best used to treat fine lines, acne scars, skin pigmentation, dark eye circles and large pores.


How Rejuran Treatment is Done

Once in the clinic, here is how the treatment process will be:

The first step before having the procedure will be to clean and disinfect your face. The nurse will use a wet cloth and disinfectant to do this. Next, she will apply the numb cream on your face, or area of affection then wait for it to settle. This will take about 20 minutes. 

After that, the doctor will come next and inject small amounts of Rejuran into the skin using fine needle. This process will not consume a lot of time as it shouldn’t consume more than 20 minutes to cover all the affected areas.

Finally, the doctor will apply LED light or infrared to minimize the redness and swelling on your skin. As you can see, it is a simple and quick process that shouldn’t take more than an hour.


Side Effects of Rejuran Treatments

Are there any side effects of Rejuran Healer? Well, as mentioned in the procedure, your skin may swell and become red due to the fact that the treatment includes injections. There might also be some moderate bruising. These, however, shouldn’t be a case of worry. They will be gone in a matter of hours. To accelerate this, doctors normally shine LED light to the treated area. With no time, you’ll be back doing your normal work.

You should know whether the treatment has been successful and effective almost instantly. The real improvements can only be seen in a few weeks so be patient for that. Upon treatment, you will notice some small bumps around the treatment area. This will fade within one or two days. During this period, you are advised not to apply make up on the area. Rejuran helps to boost the skin’s vitality and is a well-loved method in Singapore’s aesthetic beauty scene.