A definitive guide to preparing for an IPL treatment in Singapore

A definitive guide to preparing for an IPL treatment in Singapore

IPL laser procedure can help rejuvenate your skin, improve your complexion, and fade the blemishes on your face.

A lot of Singaporeans are signing up for it because it is effective and offers long-lasting results.

So, if you opt for it, you can be confident that your skin will look a whole lot better in no distant future.

To ensure that the procedure turns out great and no complications occur, there are some things you must do before, during, and after the day of your appointment.

Read on to learn about some of these things.

Things you must avoid before the day of your appointment

Below are some instructions your dermatologist will give you before the day of your appointment. Be sure to follow them to the latter.

Sun exposure

Do not expose your skin (especially the area you want to treat) to UV rays for at last four weeks before the day of your appointment. Always wear sunscreen when going out.


Don’t use tanning beds, lotions, sprays, gels, or any product that can tan your skin.

Bleaching creams

Bleaching creams contain harsh ingredients that can make your skin sensitive. So stop using them before and after your treatment.

Swimming in chlorinated water

You may be able to get away with swimming in mildly chlorinated water before your procedure but not after it. Swimming in strongly chlorinated water shortly after an IPL treatment may slow down the healing process or cause other complications.


Do not use everything from peels and exfoliators to microdermabrasion for at least a week before your appointment.

Hair removal

Before the day of your treatment, you may be asked to reduce the hair in the affected area. The way you go about doing this can affect your results.

Dermatologists have pointed out that shaving is by far the best way to remove hair in the soon-to-be-treated area. Other hair removal methods like plucking, waxing, and threading should be avoided before and after the procedure.


Do not engage in intense exercise for at least 48 hours before your treatment.

Skincare products

Don’t use beauty products that contain ingredients like- glycolic acids, benzoyl peroxide, and retinol.


Stay away from saunas, hot tubs, and hot baths. Always remember that overheating your skin before the appointment may affect your final result.

On the day of your appointment

Here are a few things you should do to ensure that you have a pleasant experience during your session.

What to wear

Wear loose clothes you are comfortable in. Do not wear a dark bikini or underwear.


If you have taken any antibiotics because of a health condition, be sure to tell the specialist that will perform the procedure the exact dose you took and the brand of the medication.

Final note

IPL is a simple procedure that can make your skin look amazing. To prevent any complications, you should strictly follow the instructions provided by the specialist that will be performing the procedure.