Laser Treatment To Deal With Dullness And Capillaries

Laser Treatment To Deal With Dullness And Capillaries

The wear and tear that our skin goes through due to over the years and as a result of environmental changes can result into dullness and broken capillaries. The vascular lesion resulting from broken capillaries and accompanying discoloration can be best treated with laser treatment for pigmentation.

What is a broken capillary?

A broken capillary also called known as dilated vessel are result of breakdown or rupture of vessels beneath the surface of the skin. It generally happens with age. They mainly appear on cheeks and legs. They have a spider like appearance and severe broken capillaries can give the appearance of bruise or injury.

Is it for you?

If the appearance of spider web like veins are causing you distress or you begin to notice dullness in patches of your skin, chances are you might be suffering from broken capillaries.

Laser for treatment

Laser therapy is the safest and fastest way to get rid of those unwanted scars like marks on skin. The abnormal pigment forming the scar are cleared by the laser in a micro-pixelated manner, making the procedure less invasive and ensuring a shorter recovery time. Your skin gets a rejuvenated, youthful look in no time.


Following the treatment, you may have to wear bandages for a few days and apply prescribed moisturizers. Do not forget to stay way from the sun. You will not be able to wear makeup till collagen begins to form and tissue repair starts. It should not take too much time.

Are there any risks in the procedure?

Laser is the best way to deal with capillaries. The risk involved are minimum and same as any procedure that may involve a laser. Should you feel any kind of discomfort, which is not normal for this procedure, contact the clinic immediately.


Depending on the degree or number of broken capillaries present you will be advised for the number of sessions you may require. After the completion of treatment immediately you will not be able to see much marked differences. But gradually the effect will take place.

The best thing about this type of treatment is that it can be permanent but may often require other accompanying treatments to give the best result. So let the dullness go away and welcome the brighter, even-toned skin that you always wished for.
This facial treatment is a good option if you suffer from skin dullness and capillary issues.